Keneisha Corbett

Los Angeles, CA

Linkedin GitHub Resume

I am a software developer with a background in biology and teaching. I use my experiences in these subjects in combination with software development to bring communication skills and comfort to the people I work with. My goal is to make user-friendly applications while continuing to grow and learn as a developer and inspire others from the same background as me to do the same.


Developer Skills




Match It

A matching game that takes you back to vanilla Javascript! Flash notifications alert the player of the game, letting them know if a match has been made. The score is accepted by the number of matches made.

React | Node.js | Mongoose | MongoDB | Express | MLab | Bootstrap JavaScript | HTML5 | CSS3 | Heroku


This application is a sleek and straightforward take on a Todo-List. It is made from inspiration from Momentum Google Chrome Extension. This application was a group effort.

React.js |Ruby on Rails| PostgreSQL| CSS3 | Heroku

Crochet Corner

Crochet Corner is a full CRUD MERN stack. Users can share images of their latest crochet projects. This app features full user authentication. If a user is not signed in, they will not be allowed to see the app's contents.

React.js | Node.js | Mongoose | MongoDB | AJAX| Express | Bootstrap| HTML5 | CSS3 | Netlify

Beauty Secrets

Beauty Secrets is a crud app that allows users to upload skincare products that they enjoy using. The user can make notes and rate each product that they have used. Get Your Beauty On!

Node.js | Mongoose | MongoDB | Express |Morgan| HTML5 | CSS3 | Heroku

The Characters of Harry Potter

A search APP that finds characters from the Harry Potter Series.

JavaScript(ES6)/JQUERY | HTML5 | CSS3 | Vercel